Monday, May 6, 2013

Investing in Your Growth as a Communicator

Taking a resource and spending some of it to gain more of something else is called investment. When you choose to invest money in the stock market, you expect a financial return on our investment. When you choose to spend quality time with our children, you expect a deepening of relationship with them in return. The same holds true for investing time or money in your personal growth as a communicator.

Before examining some different ways that you can invest these valuable resources in your communication growth, you need to answer the question, "Which of these resources is more important to you... time or money?"

Before you respond "MONEY!!!", take a moment to think it through. Money is a renewable resource. You can work more, sell stuff or get a second job to get more money. Time is a non-renewable resource. You only have 168 hours per week. You only have 70-80 years of your life to live. You can choose to prioritize and spend your time differently, but you only have so much of it to spend... Then, it's gone.

Investing time in your communication growth can take a couple of different forms. You make an investment every time you do extra practice and rehearsal of your message. Taking the time to read books on communication (free at the library) or free online communication resources is an investment as well. Both of these investments will bring a solid return in the form of increased skill and knowledge. Here are a few communication-sharpening, time investment ideas:
-Read a free book.
-Watch free communication training videos online.
-Join a free communicator's mastermind group (like the Youth Communicator's Cohort).
-Join a free preaching or speaking webinar.
-Rehearse your message a extra time.
-Watch a recent video of yourself speaking.
-Join a local Toastmaster's group (cheap not free).

If you feel like you are strapped for time as it is, you can try "stealing an hour" a few times a week. Stealing an hour for personal growth just takes a bit of practice. Basically, you find an extra hour during your day (when you usually watch TV, forcing yourself to get up early or stay up late) and use that hour to develop your communication skills (reading, rehearsing, writing messages, etc.)

Investing money in your personal growth is a touchy subject. While there are numerous shysters out there who are only after your money (in the name of personal growth), there are some legitimate ways that you can financially invest in your growth as a communicator. Here's a few:
-Buy a book and read it (usually the most inexpensive $$$ investment).
-Attend a communication seminar.
-Join a fee-based communicator's mastermind group.
-Get communication training on DVD.
-Get a personal speaking coach (Youth Speaker's Coach offers affordable options... contact us)
-Take a communication guru out to lunch and interview them.

Personally, I have utilized many of these skill-building resources and invested both time and money over the years. At the end of the day, it's not about just making the initial  investment, but regularly putting into practice the things you are learning and soliciting feedback from others.

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