Thursday, January 16, 2014

Speaking at a Retreat This Weekend?

This coming weekend, I will have the honor to speak to about one hundred students from Northern Colorado at their Winter Retreat. This retreat is unique because it represents students from 6 different churches and youth groups (in the same community) coming together to be challenged by the Word of God. What a great step toward unity between local churches and answering Jesus' prayer in John 17.

If you are not speaking at a Winter Retreat this season, I hope you have the privilege to do so in the near future. Never had this kind of opportunity before? Pray and ask God to open a door for you. Remember, it's never about you, but always about SERVING THE STUDENTS you are speaking to.

I would love to partner with you and serve your students by speaking at your upcoming event this year (if I am able and available).

To view a sample speaking video or for more information about booking, CLICK HERE...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

FREE Illustration of the Month [Dating & Relationships Edition]

February is right around the corner.

This being the case, you may be planing a series on dating and relationships. Here is a list of the Top Christian Pick-Up Lines. This list can be used as an opener to a message or series on relationships. Great comedic timing is key to delivering this list in a humorous fashion. Be sure to run through it enough times during your message preparation to ensure that you have the delivery down. It is sure to get some good laughs from the students.

If you use powerpoint when you speak, you might try creating "someecards" ( slides to add to the humor.



1.  ”So last night I was reading in the book of Numbers, and then I realized, I don’t have yours.”
2.  ”Hey, I’m Will. God’s will.” (Tip: Your name should actually be Will)
3.  ”You put the “stud” in bible study.”
4. “Now I know why Solomon had 700 wives… He never met you!”
5.  ”I didn’t know angels flew this low.”
6. “I’m no Joseph, maybe you can help me interpreting the dreams I’ve been having about you?”
7. ”Is it hot in here or is that just the Holy Spirit burning inside of you?”
8. ”Is your name Faith? ‘Cause you’re the substance of things I’ve hoped for.”
9. ” How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?”
10. ” I didn’t believe in predestination until tonight.”
11.  ”Is this the transfiguration? because you are glowing.”
12. ” Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead.”
13. ” Excuse me, I believe one of your ribs belongs to me.”
14. ” Let me sell you an indulgence because it’s a sin to look as good as you do.”
15. ” Me. You. Song of Songs: the remix.”
16. ” Is it a sin that you stole my heart?”
17. ” Want to practice speaking in tongues with me?”
18. ” What’s your name and number so I can add you to my “prayer” list?”
19. “I just want you to know, I’m praying for you… No, I’m praying “FOR” you.”
20. “Here’s my number… Call me if you need prayer.”
21. “I’m usually not very prophetic, but I can see us together.”

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

3 Ways to Alter the Opening of Your Message

After coaching countless youth pastors to help them become better communicators, one thing stands out as a common miscue that occurs to newbie and veteran youth speakers alike, THE WEAK OPENING.

Nothing will turn students off faster to your message than a weak open. You have about 20 seconds for them to decide whether or not they will listen to the rest of your message. What a shame to create solid, Biblical content, and then lose the students after the first 7 sentences proceed out of your mouth.

Here are 3 ways you can alter the opening of your message the next time to step up in front of a group of students to speak:

1. Jump right into a story.

Don't begin with the typical introduction, "Hi my name is [blank], welcome tonight (or tonight we are going to talk about blah, blah, blah)..." Instead, open in the middle of a story, "I could smell the stench of the sewage burning in both of my nostrils... (or whatever story opening you can use to draw them into the story you are telling).

2. Begin with a statistic and use students in the room to demonstrate it.

As opposed to opening with, "I'd like to share some startling statistics with you...." Try implementing some student interaction right off of the bat with something like, "I need this half of the room to stand up on their seats... (or whatever your percentage)... those of you standing represent..." You get the picture.

3. Whisper your theme.

Really. Try it. Open your talk by whispering (or talking quietly and slowly) the theme of your message. Students will be forced to lean in and focus to hear what it is you are saying. Imagine the next time you get up in front of a group of students you said (in a hushed voice), "Those who diligently seek the Lord, WILL (pause) find Him... When they seek Him will all of their heart (or whatever your theme sentence is)."

If there is a need for you to introduce yourself (or the message, or whatever), do so AFTER you have completed your opening. Try it. You will find yourself starting on much stronger footing and presenting your message with much greater connection than ever before.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Resonate (by Nancy Duarte) available for FREE online

Communication guru, Nancy Duarte, has made her Resonate material available online FOR FREE!

CLICK HERE to view the full electronic version of Resonate on Nancy Duarte's website.

To view a Youth Pastor's book review I posted on Duarte's ResonateCLICK HERE.

You can also download a free interactive version for i-devices from her website BY CLICKING HERE.